He was almost murdered. Instead, he is to become general prosecutor

December 3, 2020

It was not clear whether the election would take place on December 3 until the very last moment.

Five tips for enjoyable late autumn walks around Trnava

December 3, 2020

Stay in the town or explore the nearby villages.

News digest: No skiing in Slovakia at least until January

December 3, 2020

The coalition should meet to discuss the opening of schools, former police corps president travelled to Slovakia to be detained.

Žilinka elected the next general prosecutor

December 3, 2020

He received 132 votes out of the 147 present MPs.

New rules for tax havens and other changes to income tax

December 3, 2020

The parliament has passed a vast number of amendments to income tax law.

Why Slovakia should focus on advanced services

December 3, 2020

Domestically owned advanced exportable and quasi exportable services could significantly help the growth of the Slovak economy.

Ex-police chief Lučanský in handcuffs

December 2, 2020

He is one of the eight people facing charges after Operation Judas.


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