"Slovakia Pay Now Cards: Market Update" now available at Fast Market Research

January 31, 2015

This report is the result of Timetric's extensive market research covering the Pay Now Cards market in Slovakia. It contains detailed data on market dynamics along with latest industry happenings, industry players in Slovakia.

For Haifa woman, a needle-in-a-haystack search

January 30, 2015

Miriam Grab has almost nothing to go on in her search for relatives - not even names. While the retired teacher in Haifa has five children, 29 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren, she lacks an extended family.

Slovakia’s Overpriced Motorways, Here Comes Another

January 29, 2015

An article in today’s daily Pravda looks at the inflated costs of building a motorway bypass around Bratislava, pointing to how similar projects in Austria and the Czech Republic were much cheaper.

Prime Ministers agree to step up three-way regional cooperation

January 29, 2015

Prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria met at the
town of Slavkov, outside Brno, on Thursday and agreed to step up their
cooperation on key cross border issues. These include tackling youth

Analyst: Timing of “alternative” Visegrad Group not ideal

January 29, 2015

The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria met
Thursday at Slavkov Castle, near Brno, for a round of talks designed to
strengthen ties between the three nations. However, concerns have been

Recalling Dr Death

January 26, 2015

There are few people alive today who can recall the ominous grin of the notorious "Angel of Death," Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. Marta Wise is one of them.

Transcript of refused homily published

January 28, 2015

THE AKTUALITY.sk website published a transcript of the controversial sermon of Greek Catholic priest Rastislav Baka which the regional Radio Regina refused to broadcast as it, in its opinion, violated the rules for broadcast before a referendum.

New flights from Košice to Italy and UK

January 29, 2015

THE LOW-cost airline Wizz Air will open a new operational base at the Košice airport, which should result in 30 new jobs and two regular routes.

State tenders take six months on average

January 29, 2015

AN AVERAGE state tender took six months in 2014, the longest period in the past five years, according to the analysis by ethics watchdog Transparency International Slovensko (TIS) which it based on the Public Procurement Office Bulletin.

MPs override veto on temporary employment law

January 29, 2015

PARLIAMENT overrode the president’s veto and passed again the amendment to the Labour Code based on which the conditions for temporary employment will become stricter as of March.


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